Harewood Avenue, Pontefract, WF8 2ER

01977 791306


Harewood Centre Nursery School

School Development Plan


As a Maintained Nursery School, we have our own School Development Plan (SDP) for 2022-2023. The SDP is a strategic plan for school improvement. It brings together, in a clear and concise way, our school priorities, our measures for raising standards, the resources dedicated to them, and the key outcomes and targets intended to be achieved.

Our key priorities for 2022-2023 are:

  1. To embed our new school curriculum to ensure there is a clear sequence with the progression of learning and skills from Preschool through to Nursery, to ensure all children leave ready for the next phase in their learning and development.
  2. To embed the Curiosity Approach into our EYFS practice and curriculum, to enable children to be active learners, solve problems, and be ‘curious’ about the world around them.
  3. To develop and implement a mastery approach to early maths, to provide children with a secure and adaptable understanding of mathematics for future learning.